Monday, January 27, 2014

Spring ED-Tech PD Opportunities: Common Core, Edtech & Napa and Teach Through Tech

Interested in an opportunity to be inspired by fellow teachers and reflect on your work? Take a look at these 2 PD opportunities...

Feb 14th-16th Common Core, Ed tech and Napa

This CUE Rock Star event specializes in purposely designed, focused, small group everts that have three items in common:

•Hands-On Learning
All three days consist of two, two-hour sessions allowing attendees to "dig in deep" and really get to know their topic and build resources to use next year.  Morning sessions are repeated in the afternoon so that attendees have two different opportunities to attend a workshop.

•Small Presenter to Attendee Ratios
CUE Rock Star events are built so that there is one presenter for every ten attendees and the events sell out at 60-70 attendees.  This allows participants to get hands-on support and learn directly from knowledgeable educators.

•Time for Collaboration and Networking
We purposely start late, end early, and take extended lunches so that all attendees have ample opportunities to collaborate and network as part of learning community.  

This event will focus on CCSS integration of technology.
To learn about the sessions or register:

March 8th- Silicon Valley Cue Presents: Teach Through Technology

Register now for the upcoming Silicon Valley Computer Using Educators professional development training on March 8th! The 2014 "Teach Through Technology" event will again be held at The Harker School in San Jose. It's the best value in educational technology training - you will not be disappointed!
The day starts at 8 AM, and concludes at 3 PM. 
Early bird rates are effective 'til February 1st! Only $35 for SVCUE members!!! This is a steal!

You'll receive a day of training on interesting topics from well-versed education leaders, a hall of industry and non-profit exhibitors, breakfast and a sit-down lunch. Plus, there are door prizes at the end of the day. It's a great day, and a great deal.

Act now to get the early bird rate!