Thursday, October 17, 2013

Modeling Smarter Balanced Assessments

In following up with teachers since our practice with Smarter Balanced Assessments, many have shared interest in modeling digital assessments. Here are 3 options that might get you started:

1. Google Forms are an easy way to create multiple choice or short answer quizzes or even collect digital responses from students. Interested? Take a look at this short video created by Sarah Press to walk you through setting up and sending a google form to students:

2. Socrative is a free student response system teachers can use to create a series of educational exercises and games.  Socrative runs on tablets, smartphones, and laptops and their apps are super simple and take seconds to login. Students can respond digitally to verbal or written questions on the board.

3. is an easy to way to take a variety of media sources like video, images or websites and scaffold them with questions, forms or other collaborative communication sites like padlet or todaysmeet. Browse their teacher library for some samples that might lend themselves to your curriculum before jumping in. You can send a link to the "spaces" you create.

If you have questions or would like to add a resource to the conversation, feel free to add a comment or let me or your ITC know how we can support you.